2025-S-President Elect

Michele D. Ribeiro, EdD, ABPP, CGP, AGPA-F, APA-F

Dear Colleagues and Friends of Division 49,

2025 began with the usual sense of possibility and hope that a new year brings. However, soon after the inauguration, I found myself flooded with reports of chaos and upheaval on my daily commute, which I spend listening to Oregon Public Radio. As I drive, the landscape shifts from flat plains and brown fields to rolling hills and rocky silhouettes. The sun is often hidden by a blanket of fog as the ice melts under the high defrost of my red Subaru Crosstrek. But instead of hearing about generative ideas, the news every day paints a picture of destruction, wrapped in the promise of making America “great” again.

I don’t believe in a simple either/or approach—I believe in the power of both/and.  But now, more than ever, we need to do better, be better, and challenge the narratives that don’t serve us. We need to continue focusing on mental health equity and building inclusive communities.  This brings me to the heart of what I want to share with you today: the importance of group.

Group work is everything. Division 49 is a place for us to come together in meaningful dialogue, to offer something more to a world that desperately needs support, creativity, resources, and emotionally intelligent leadership. You joined this division because you recognize the power that groups hold to sustain health and vitality. Now, let’s channel that energy to push our division toward more justice-oriented work. Let’s create more opportunities to learn and grow together so that we can serve our clients, students, institutions, and the world more effectively.

I want to express my gratitude to those who supported me in stepping up to help lead this division. We are fortunate to have committed individuals who volunteer their time and talents to keep us relevant in the face of today’s challenges. I’m especially grateful for my colleague and mentor, Dr. Joe Miles. His work in intergroup dialogue continues to inspire me, not only because of his scholarly expertise, but because of his thoughtful, caring approach to people. After attending the midwinter meeting just a few weeks ago, I’m even more humbled by Dr. Miles’s dedication to building on the great work of past leaders and pushing Division 49 forward, especially within today’s complex social climate.

Dr. Miles and I share a common bond as counseling psychologists, and we both care deeply about using productive dialogue to bring about social justice and change. But that starts with community. Whether we like it or not, we are interconnected—we affect one another and we need each other. My hope is that, through our work in group dynamics, research, advocacy, and practice, we can support the betterment of ourselves, our families, our communities, and our world.

I invite you to join us. Get involved in our society, help us respond with resources during times of crisis, and share your talents to collaborate with us. As your new President-Elect, I am committed to strengthening and expanding our membership and tapping into the exceptional talents within our community. If you haven’t yet gotten involved, I encourage you to do so now. If you have, I welcome your renewed engagement. We need you. Together, united, we are better.

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